Invited talks at international conferences

  • 15. - 16. July 2021: Nanolubrication Conference 2021
  • 14. - 18. März 2021: TMS 2021, Orlando, USA
  • 13. – 17. April 2020: 2020 MRS Spring Meeting, Phoenix, USA
  • 6. – 9. April 2020: Dissipation Mechanisms in Nano/Mesoscale Tribological Systems, Trieste, Italy
  • 28. March 2019: Nanoscale Material Properties Characterization & Modeling, Beersheba, Israel
  • 23. – 26. September 2018: ICG Annual Meeting 2018, Yokohama, Japan
  • 13. – 17. March 2016: 251st ACS National Meeting, San Diego, USA
  • 12. –14. January 2016: 20th International Colloquim Tribology, Stuttgart, Germany
  • 23. – 25. September 2015: 6th European Nanomanipulation Workshop, Gießen, Germany
  • 27. – 31. Oktober 2014: CECAM Workshop "Friction and interface dynamics at nano and mesoscales", Tel Aviv, Israel
  • 18. – 20. June 2014: 5th European Nanomanipulation Workshop, Mulhouse, France
  • 18. – 23. March 2013: 2nd International AMASING Workshop, Da Nang, Vietnam
  • 1. – 6. July 2012: 16th ICSFS (International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces), Genova, Italy
  • 29. May – 1. June 2011: Chinese-German Symposium on Nanomanufacturing and Nanotribology, Berlin, Germany
  • 3. – 5. May 2010: CECAM Workshop "Stick-slip dynamics: From nano to geophysical scales", Lausanne, Switzerland
  • 14. – 16. December 2009: ACAM Workshop on Molecular Friction, Dublin, Ireland
  • 27. July – 1. August 2008: 25th ECOSS, Liverpool, UK
  • 25. – 28. June 2008: NANO 2008, Krakow, Poland
  • 7. – 10. January 2008: Trends in Surface Chemistry, Antigua
  • 2007: Vibrations in Sliding Contacts, London, UK
  • 13. – 17. March 2006: APS March Meeting, Baltimore, USA
  • 4. – 9. September 2005: 23rd ECOSS, Berlin, Germany
  • 29. August – 2. September 2004: 12th International Conference in Experimental Mechanics, Bari, Italy
  • 11. – 13. March 2004: Frontiers in Tribology at the Atomic Scale, Oak Ridge, USA
  • 8. – 12. July 2002: 11th ICSFS (International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces), Marseille, France