Part of the cover "Science" 351 (2016)

A golden opportunity for graphene

New Publication in Science Magazine
Part of the cover "Science" 351 (2016)
Image: Leonide Principe/ Alamy
  • Research
  • Publication


Reducing friction can limit wear and improve the energy efficiency of mechanical devices. Graphene is a promising lubricant because the friction between sheets is minuscule under certain circumstances. Kawai et al. show that the same ultra-low frictional properties extend to other surfaces. They find ultralow friction when dragging graphene nanoribbons across a gold surface using an atomic force microscope. This discovery sets up the potential for developing nanographene frictionless coatings.


Shigeki Kawai, Andrea Benassi, Enrico Gnecco, Hajo Söde, Rémy Pawlak, Xinliang Feng, Klaus Müllen, Daniele Passerone, Carlo A. Pignedoli, Pascal Ruffieux, Roman Fasel, Ernst Meyer: "Superlubricity of graphene nanoribbons on gold surfaces", Science 351 (2016) 957–961, DOI: 10.1126/science.aad3569External link